Office of 学生生活

Office of 学生生活

Why Get Involved at Clarkson?

The Office of 学生生活 creates programs and spaces to foster student leadership development, 公民责任, and community engagement.

Getting involved on campus is one of the most important things you can do. Being involved has no limitations. You can be the president of an organization, be an active member of an organization, serve in student government, participate in on-campus research, go on ski or climbing trips or field trips or even volunteer around campus and in the community.

Proven Benefits of Campus Involvement

Establish a Sense of Belonging

Becoming involved on campus will ease the transition from high school to college. Joining a student organization will allow you to meet people with similar interests and goals, which helps you feel more satisfied with your college experience and gives you a feeling of purpose at Clarkson. +, you can get to know tips and tricks about Clarkson life from students who have already been through their first year.
Establishing a group of peers is a very important aspect of the college experience. It allows you to broaden your horizons and keeps your mind active, rather than on a single track if you are not challenged by your surroundings.

Our 俱乐部 and 活动

Excelling Academically

Students who are involved on campus tend to have higher grades and are more likely to graduate from their university.
Involvement on campus allows you to meet people who have similar interests and work with other people to navigate any challenges that come your way. Opening yourself up to others allows them to help you overcome tasks that you sometimes wouldn’t be able to face on your own, whether they be academic or personal.

Get Real-World Experience

Joining an organization will help build leadership skills and give you real-world experience that will prepare you for the workforce. 在esball国际平台客户端, we have over 140 organizations that students can join, and if students do not find an organization of interest, they can start their own.
Working outside the classroom in organizations, student government and other co-curricular programs may be your best chance to learn real-life transactional skills like managing a budget; recruiting members; creating, promoting and evaluating an event; delegating tasks and more.
Becoming a member of a club allows for potential growth within the club and the Clarkson community. It allows students to interact with faculty, 员工及同事, all while building bonds with students and alumni who could eventually help you in the future. +, you get to leave your mark and shape Clarkson for the students who will come after you.

Enjoy the surrounding region


Joining organizations will help you relax, have fun and maybe try something new. Many students are able to travel to national competitions, 会议, and competitive tournaments across the country to represent Clarkson. Build up your resume and make new friends by joining clubs and organizations. Who knows, you just might find the opportunity of a lifetime, right here on campus. 


The Office of 学生生活 provides fun and engaging social and leadership opportunities to students through our shepherding of student government, 学生活动, and student organizations, with the goal of building community and developing student leaders. Additionally, we provide timely information to parents/families/supporters and alumni.


Kelsey Sheehe, an Applied Mathematics and Statistics major, speaks about her experience as a 学生生活 Ambassador for the Office of 学生生活 and the talent show they hosted for Clarkson students.
